Getting Started
WikiCamps User Account and Technical Help
- FAQs: Ads in WikiCamps
- (Old App) How do I delete my User Account?
- (Old app) How do I sign up for a user account?
- (Old app) Emails from WikiCamps Never Arrive (Add WikiCamps as a Safe Sender)
- (Old app) Is WikiCamps compatible with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto?
- (Old app) My current location cannot be found on WikiCamps.
Setting and using Filters
- (Old app) How do the Site Feature Filters work?
- (Old app) How do I dislike (hide) a site?
- (Old app) How to use, and clear, Filters
- (Old app) How can I save (and load) filters I use often?
- (Old app) How do I use the Favourites filter?
- (Old app) How do I search WikiCamps Site Listings in a specific town or location?
How to use Trip Planner
- (Old app) How to use place sorting in Trip Planner
- (Old app) I don't like to plan ahead, can I use the trip planner to instead track my travels?
- (Old app) My trip route is not following roads. Why do I have 'straight lines' between sites?
- (Old app) How do I show/hide my trip route on the main WikiCamps map?
- (Old app) What is 'Smart Insert'?
- (Old app) How do I restore an archived trip?
How to add and update Sites
- (Old app) How to share a site link from WikiCamps
- (Old App) WikiCamps site definitions
- (Old app) How do I sync WikiCamps sites to show the latest information?
- (Old app) How do I report irrelevant photos (and other content)?
- (Old app) How do I add a new site to WikiCamps?
- (Old app) Your site information is wrong / How do I edit an existing site?
How to use Maps and Offline Content
- Site content is syncing slowly
- (Old app) WikiCamps Version 5.1.10 Offline Content Update
- (Old app) How do I download the Offline Maps and Site Content?
- (Old app) Is it possible to find my current location?
- (Old app) How can I change the measurement of distance (kilometres/miles)?
- (Old app) How do I change the format of the GPS coordinates?