WikiCamps can be shared across your devices with the 'same' operating platform, for example iPhone and iPad OR Android phone and Android Tablet - but not shared across iPhone and Android phone.
New Device or iPhone to iPad
During the iPhone setup process, your apps should automatically transfer to your new device.
If your app has not transferred, you can re-download this by:
- Open the App Store on your iPhone.
- Tap Your profile picture on the Today/Games/Apps/Updates screen.
- Tap the Not this Phone tab.
- You will see all purchases under your Apple ID not installed on your new device.
- Click the Download button next to the app to download the app to your new phone.
Make sure you are signed in with the same Apple ID - your purchase is tied to your AppleID.
If you use a phone switching tool, your apps should automatically transfer to your new device during the setup process.
If your app has not transferred, you can re-download it by:
- Open the Google Play Store on your phone.
- Tap the menu icon and proceed to My Apps & Games.
- A list of all Apps that were on your Android device will display.
- Tap Install to install the App on your new device.
Make sure you are signed in with the same Google account - your purchase is tied to your Google account.
Having issues? Try this article for more tips and troubleshooting your Android purchase:
WikiCamps will not activate on an Android device
- Open the Microsoft Store on your device.
- Click the library icon located in the bottom left corner.
- Click the Download Icon next to WikiCamps.
You should then find the WikiCamps app icon in your Start menu under W for WikiCamps.
Make sure you are signed in with the same Microsoft account - your purchase is tied to your Microsoft account.
If you are changing operating systems, e.g. iPhone to Android then you will have to purchase WikiCamps again.
If you are still having trouble, please contact
WikiCamps. By campers, for campers.
Article relates to Android, Apple, and Windows devices.