We've assembled a few tips to help you write reviews which promote the safe, community environment of WikiCamps without compromising on your opportunity to share your honest experiences.
Find something good to say.
If you had a negative experience with either the service you received or the site itself (facilities, features, etc.) you may find it easier to write a helpful review by including the positive side as well.
Focusing all of your effort on talking about on one part of your experience, makes it easier to accidentally rant or whinge rather than write a well-rounded “review”.
For example:
Instead of writing:
“The site was disgusting, the caretakers clearly don't care about maintaining this site at all.”
Try to write:
“The staff were accommodating, though we found the site we were parked on did not appear to be well maintained.”
What if I have nothing nice to say?
We understand, these things happen. Sometimes, it may be difficult to come up with any positive comments. You can still write a helpful, honest review using the techniques below.
Focus on how you, personally, felt.
Especially useful if you had a negative experience with another person, framing your review about yourself and your feelings will naturally help to keep the review constructive, which will be more helpful for others who read it later.
Rather than describing other people and their actions (especially if you feel inclined to use words which might break the Community Guidelines), this practise helps to keep your reviews free from accusations or retaliatory language.
For example:
Instead of writing:
“The caretaker verbally abused us when we tried to check in” (which is an “allegation with potential legal implications” and breaches our Community Guidelines).
Try to write:
“We did not feel welcomed on arrival” or "Our experience with the reception staff made us feel uncomfortable."
Take a breath.
If you feel particularly strongly about the review, it’s a good idea to write it down (in a note elsewhere on your device, so you don’t post it by accident) and then walk away for a moment. Come back to the review an hour or even a day later and rewrite your review draft. The extra time to clear your head often helps you to express yourself better.
Familiarise yourself with our Community Guidelines.
It pays to know how our moderation team take action on reviews that are flagged to them. If a review clearly breaks any of our Community Guidelines, then it will be removed from WikiCamps by our moderators.
Need to report something?
If you have a question about reviews on WikiCamps, don't hesitate to get in touch.