This article contains some troubleshooting options you can try to help improve your device's loading performance on site content screens (such as reviews):
1. Turn off offline sync
If you have previously downloaded offline content and left the sync settings on, it may be that your device is re-syncing offline content in the background while you are browsing the app. This can contribute to slower loading of site information. Head to the offline content page and switch off any states you are syncing for offline (note, this will not remove your already downloaded offline content).
2. Remove excess offline content
If you have previously downloaded multiple regions of offline content but you no longer need some regions, removing the unnecessary content can help improve responsiveness, especially for older or lower-powered devices. Learn how to remove offline content.
3. Restart your device
Restarting your device can be helpful for clearing memory and helping it run smoother, as well as for refreshing your network connection and your connection to the WikiCamps servers.